Intellisource jobs
If you have the correct mindset, no matter where you work, you will always get recognized and you will always be the performer.
Over the years I have been able to maintain as a performer in my jobs. I have work for more than 5 years and I had work in a few companies before. I am able to maintain between the results of above average and outstanding every time when comes to annual performance review. Below are some of the attitude and mindset that I adopted in my job:
1. Do more than expected. When you are expected to solve 1 task, don’t only solve that 1 task. Solve more than 1 task. A lot of people are not willing to do more. They thought that if they do more, they will lose out. This is not a correct mindset. Only by doing more, you will learn more. By doing more, you create additional value for yourself. And a boss likes subordinate who willing to do more.