Jobs of bhutan


Behave On Set.

As an acting extra bad on-set behavior can have a massive affect how much work you get.

Some good rules are; Arrive early,

Posted by Someone on April

Clinical job posting


  1. If you are new, watch and learn from your more experienced colleagues, It’s worth bringing a book because you can be on set with nothing to do for hours, be patient. But when you are asked to do something do it straight away.
  2. Treat the cast and crew with courtesy and respect, Food is provided, but know your place in the pecking order - the bottom, Never bother to the stars! If they initiate a conversation then reply, but you are there to do a job, you are not being paid to be a fan or to fill up your autograph book.

Posted by Someone on April

Technical jobs in africa


On set misbehavior will endanger your chances of being asked back or even sent from set there and then. Keep Your Eyes And Ears Open.

This not only applies to taking advice from more experienced extras on set as mentioned above, but it also applies to finding work. Adverts, films and TV shows are filmed all over the country and when an outdoor scene is shot then locals can get work as extras. The adverts for these jobs can be found in the local press and though they are at the lower end of the pay-scale, they could be the start of something bigger or just a good experience.

Posted by Someone on April

Hollywood fl jobs


Get A SAG Card.

Posted by Someone on April