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If you are self-employed or belong to an unincorporated business, you can study the potential benefits of the Keogh Plan which allows self-employed individuals set aside up to 15% of their income or they can participate in a mutual fund company and make automatic contributions or you can get a pension plan.

5. Invest Your Money.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. While saving some of your hard-earned money is a good start, leaving it all in the bank may not give you the results you need. Get educated about investments and other financial instruments you can use to make your money earn more than what you are currently getting from the bank. The first step is to learn about passive and active income. You must also learn how to analyze and choose investments that will earn more money in the long run. Mutual funds, stocks, and other investment options are available for you to study and consider.
  2. 6. Manage Your Money Online.

Posted by Someone on April

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If you have an Internet-capable computer at home or at work, you can actually manage your finances online. You can check your balance and credit statements, transfer funds, pay your bills, and monitor the status of your savings through your bank's online system. Indeed, there is no shortcut to wealth. Living the good life entails planning, setting goals, discipline, a great deal of sacrifice. Getting rid of worry and anxiety attacks over financial difficulties is not an impossible task. When you save and invest wisely, you will be able to prepare the tough times that are sure to come; and you can have enough to enjoy life, which is the reason why we need to take control of our finances.

“If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting”

Posted by Someone on April

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----- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

There is no shortcut to personal and financial. Getting rich entails long years of discipline, hard work, thrift, and wise use of resources. Those who get rich quick usually do so because: they won a million dollars on lottery; duped other people in a scam; or inherited a fortune from a wealthy father or relative.

Posted by Someone on April