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That means a whopping 95 out of 100 hardworking people who try to follow this route are going to have to rely on inadequate pensions, social security, and family assistance to live out their golden years. Not a happy picture.

Just take a look in your community to see how few retirees are financially independent. If you know any that are truly financially independent then you’ll probably find they did it on their own.

So, if you want to want financial independence what are your options?

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. You could pray that you’ll be one of the 1 in 180 million people who hits the lottery or you could inherit a fortune when your aged maiden aunt checks out. Another way could be a life of crime, but I warn you that your chances of reaching retirement age, let alone enjoying it, are really slim.
  2. In reality there’s just one way you can ever be financially independent..
  3. You have to do it on your own.

Posted by Someone on April

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I’ve just read some fascinating statistics about age and self-employment:

“According to recent studies 22 percent of men and 14 percent of women over 65 are self-employed. That’s compared to just 7 percent for other age groups. According to a Vanderbilt University study the number of entrepreneurs in the USA age 45 to 64 will grow by 15 million by 2006. That’s compared to a 4 million decline for entrepreneurs age 25 to 44.”

Posted by Someone on April

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And: “Self-employment among American workers increases with age, with the most dramatic jump occurring at age 65.”

Don’t worry help is at hand. With the advent of the Internet there’s a whole new world out there, and, most importantly, it’s a level playing field. (Finally I can say it…Size doesn’t count). There are more than 500 million consumers out there and with a good plan, you can learn to build your financial independence with your own online business.

Posted by Someone on April