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First, because they are portable and light, laptops aren't inherently as secure as desktop computers when it comes to theft. And we're not just talking about coffee shops, airports, college campuses, and the passenger seats of cars (which is where most laptops tend to be stolen). Even if you're in the practice of leaving your laptop on your desk when you go home for the evening, your risking theft should someone break into your office suite or if a door is left unlocked. The first thing a thief would do is snatch up all the laptops. They're valuable, they resell easily, and they're easy to remove undetected.
The answer to this problem is simple. Attach a lockable laptop drawer to your desk. We found high-quality models at Versa Tables for under $120. Constructed of steel, these accessories bolt to the under side of almost any desk and allow for a laptop to be retracted under the desktop when not in use, and locked with a key. The back of the drawer has an opening to allow the laptop to be plugged in and charging overnight. While occupying your desk, simply pull the drawer out and use the laptop right there—it creates more space on your desk.