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Consider joining your local airport's advisory board, helping out with special community outreach programs, organizing an airport wide event, etc. Anything that you like to do and that helps get your face and name out there is a plus. In this business your name is golden. Promote it and protect it for all that it is worth! Become an expert self marketer/promoter.
The internet. Do Google searches and start reading and bookmarking every page that interests you pertaining to business aviation. The internet has more information then any library and it is updated frequently.
The Corporate Flight Attendant Community [please click the link in the resource box below to be taken there]. This website was created by me to be a resource center for private flight attendants, for those who aspire to become one, and their supporters. I draw upon industry leaders as well as the private flight attendants themselves to communicate what is going on in the industry, particularly from the cabin crewmember's point of view. Helpful articles, relevant links, catering information, résumé posting, and message boards are some of the more important features of the community. This is truly a niche community one that has gained the attention and respect of many in the industry.