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So if gift cards aren’t a great idea and you are stumped as to what you can get for your hard to buy for friend, what is a person to do? Cash and checks are even more impersonal than a gift card and it is really hard to go to the mall and find something nice for someone you know very little about. Magazine subscriptions are the perfect solution. With the thousands of magazines in existence it is easy to find the perfect subscription even if you don’t know the recipient well.

If you want to buy a magazine subscription for any of the hard to shop for people on your list, and you aren’t quite sure what kind of magazine to buy, sit down and make a list of all the things you know about the person. Ask yourself if they have any hobbies that you know about. What kind job does the person have? Does the person travel a lot? Where does the person live? Does the person have pets or children? If you can answer even one of these five questions, you will have a basis to use when choosing which magazine to give your friend. You could buy them a subscription to a trade magazine that will keep them informed about changes in their industry. You could buy them one of thousands of hobby magazines that cover popular subjects like cooking and gardening to those that cover more obscure hobbies such as model trains or bird watching. If your friend loves to travel, there are lots of great magazines that showcase fun places to visit or get them a subscription to a general interest magazine. They can tuck the periodical into their carryon and always have something interesting to browse when they are on the go. If they have children or pets, consider a subscription to the hundreds of parenting and pet magazines that are in existence. Even if location is the only thing you know about the person you want to buy for, a magazine subscription is the perfect gift. There are regional magazines for every nook and cranny of the world and it is always fun to read about events that are local to you.

Once you have decided what magazine to purchase, go out and buy one copy of the magazine and wrap it up in a pretty box with a big bow. Include a card with the gift that tells the person they will soon start receiving the enclosed subscription in the mail. You can even tell them just why you choose the magazine that you did. Perhaps your aunt makes the most delicious pies so you think of her whenever you read through your favorite baking magazine and that made you want to get her a subscription to that magazine.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Don’t worry if the person already has a subscription to the magazine. Your gift will simply be added on to the end of their subscription extending the time that they receive the magazine. Giving a magazine subscription is a thoughtful way to remember someone and the best part about these gifts is that every time a magazine comes in the mail, the recipient will remember just how considerate a person you are.
  2. Every one of us has that person in our lives that is absolutely impossible to buy for. It may be a friend, coworker, or acquaintance. It may be a distant family member such as an uncle or cousin. Maybe it is even someone closer to you, like a parent or sibling. For some people, even buying a gift for their spouse can prove confusing. People are hard to buy gifts for for a wide variety of reasons. Maybe the person on your list has everything they could possibly need. Maybe they are so picky that you are afraid to take a chance on personal gifts. Sometimes if you don’t know the person well enough, it is hard to buy a gift that is thoughtful but not too personal.

Posted by Someone on April

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There is always the old standby when it comes to hard to buy for folks. Gift cards have become an acceptable way to acknowledge a gift giving occasion without having to worry about finding a present that suits the recipient. The problem with gift cards is that they are so impersonal. They don’t tell a person that you thought about them and took time to pick out a gift that was perfect for them. All they say is that you recognized a person’s special occasion by giving them money. This isn’t a great message to send and you run the risk of hurting the recipient’s feelings or even offending them when you give a gift card for special occasions. So if gift cards aren’t a great idea and you are stumped as to what you can get for your hard to buy for friend, what is a person to do? Cash and checks are even more impersonal than a gift card and it is really hard to go to the mall and find something nice for someone you know very little about. Magazine subscriptions are the perfect solution. With the thousands of magazines in existence it is easy to find the perfect subscription even if you don’t know the recipient well.

If you want to buy a magazine subscription for any of the hard to shop for people on your list, and you aren’t quite sure what kind of magazine to buy, sit down and make a list of all the things you know about the person. Ask yourself if they have any hobbies that you know about. What kind job does the person have? Does the person travel a lot? Where does the person live? Does the person have pets or children? If you can answer even one of these five questions, you will have a basis to use when choosing which magazine to give your friend. You could buy them a subscription to a trade magazine that will keep them informed about changes in their industry. You could buy them one of thousands of hobby magazines that cover popular subjects like cooking and gardening to those that cover more obscure hobbies such as model trains or bird watching. If your friend loves to travel, there are lots of great magazines that showcase fun places to visit or get them a subscription to a general interest magazine. They can tuck the periodical into their carryon and always have something interesting to browse when they are on the go. If they have children or pets, consider a subscription to the hundreds of parenting and pet magazines that are in existence. Even if location is the only thing you know about the person you want to buy for, a magazine subscription is the perfect gift. There are regional magazines for every nook and cranny of the world and it is always fun to read about events that are local to you.

Posted by Someone on April

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Once you have decided what magazine to purchase, go out and buy one copy of the magazine and wrap it up in a pretty box with a big bow. Include a card with the gift that tells the person they will soon start receiving the enclosed subscription in the mail. You can even tell them just why you choose the magazine that you did. Perhaps your aunt makes the most delicious pies so you think of her whenever you read through your favorite baking magazine and that made you want to get her a subscription to that magazine.

Posted by Someone on April