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Time: Will the person have the appropriate amount of time available to meet goals?


If the measurement of success is money, rather than just setting a monetary goal such as: Increasing profits by 5%

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Reaching a higher sales volume per month. (x amount of dollars)
  2. …breakdown the total dollar amount into units. Improvement: A warehouse and production manager with one hundred fifty employees under his supervision had seven employees that were habitually late to work. These employees were all team members on a production line, and held up production by ten to twenty minutes every day.
  3. The manager did not like motivating from a negative stance, but tried reprimanding the employees. Hs had no results. Then he changed their starting time from six o’clock a.m. to six thirty a.m. The same seven employees began showing up at six forty to six fifty a.m. each day.

Posted by Someone on April

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As these seven employees were all above average performers, the manager was not ready to terminate them just yet. He decided to crunch some numbers, and discovered that the delay in start time with other employees on the clock and idle and lost production time was costing the company more than seventy thousand dollars per years. He discussed this with all seven employees individually and posted a notice about the cost of tardiness. He then began docking the pay of each employee who was late by twice their salaries for every minute behind. Two of the seven employees immediately changed their behavior and became punctual.

Then after a week, he announced that all employees on any team would be docked for any member not present at the start of the shift.

Posted by Someone on April

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Four of the remaining five employees stopped showing up late. The remaining employee was eventually terminated.

So in this case some employees were motivated by money, some by peer pressure, and one was not interested.

Here is a secret about motivating people: If the person does not want to change, chances are you will not be able to change them. So the trick is finding what will motivate someone to want to change their behavior.

Posted by Someone on April