General counsel job opening
Do some research - Write down the company name and the name the domain is registered under (if applicable). Go to and type the company name in quotations, plus the word Scam, like this: "Company Name"+scam - see what comes up. Any negative experiences detailed on message forums? Do the same with the individual's name that the domain is registered under. (Also try replacing the word "scam" with the words, "scheme" or "fraud.") You can also search for pages that mention the company domain name, like this: "" - Google will return results on any page that mentions that term. Then go to - - and and search for the company and individual's name.
Ask around - If you still haven't found any negative information (or any information at all), ask around. Visit work at home message forums and ask about the company. Use the forum search function to search for the company name and individual's name. If it's a scam, surely someone has heard about them.
Finally, compare any work at home position with positions available in your local area. Does the online job seem like something you'd do in an office setting? Does the pay match the level of experience needed? Does the pay match the complexity of the job? Could a company automate the job functions rather than paying you thousands of dollars to do it? Remember that most companies are trying to save money, not make their employees rich.