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He said that since working with the Mastery Program, he too has been making fewer calls, but more quality calls. His ratio of being asked to send quotes has improved, too: "Before, out of every 100 calls, I probably would end up actually talking seriously to 20 people, and of those 2 or 3 would ask for quotes.

"Now, out of every 100 calls, I'm talking seriously with 60 to 70 people, and being asked for maybe 10 or 12 quotes."

The Mindset has also helped Harold to eliminate the old numbers game problem of "burning through leads."

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. For example, the vice president of a major computer manufacturer not only returned his call but also referred him to the person responsible for overseeing the corporation's print services.

  2. So the Mindset is helping Harold to create long-term relationships.

  3. Numbers Game vs. the New Mindset

Posted by Someone on April

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Here are some of the ways that the Unlock The Game Mindset solves the problems caused by the old numbers game:

Old Numbers Game Vs New Selling Mindset

Posted by Someone on April

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1. "Burning through calls" involves huge investments of time and energy to achieve a few "successes."


When you focus on quality rather than quantity, every call is a chance to learn your prospect’s truth. So your calls are more thoughtful and efficient.

Posted by Someone on April