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"Central bankers did two things," said Art Hogan, chief market analyst at Jeffries & Co. in Boston. "They added much needed liquidity to the market and signaled that they stand at the ready for a system that may or may not need more help."

Posted by Someone on April

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  2. More problems seem to arrive daily. Yesterday, shares of Countrywide Financial Corp. fell nearly 3 percent one day after the biggest US mortgage lender said credit problems among its own borrowers are worsening, and it anticipated more difficulty funding loans. Separately shares in Washington Mutual Inc., the big savings and loan, were down 2 percent a day after it said it faces risks from lower market liquidity.

Posted by Someone on April

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Yesterday's stock swings capped three weeks in which the Dow Jones industrial average often moved at triple-digit levels in each trading session. The turmoil reflects uncertainty about financial markets even though the economy itself appears to remain stable, according to economists and traders.

"The fundamentals, underlying inflation, economic growth rates, US employment growth, are still robust," said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at Global Insight of Waltham. "The markets are panicking a little, but it's still a financial story. As long as the central banks succeed in calming markets down, I don't see this spreading to the broader economy."

Posted by Someone on April

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Posted by Someone on April