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For most job applications, a combination style resume is the best choice many applicants, including college students and new graduates. Even though work history on a graduate resume may not be as extensive as for that of a seasoned employee, a chronological work history can demonstrate transferable skills and dependability. A purely functional style resume would not provide this advantage, and yet a purely chronological style would not allow for additional information highlighting relevant skills or other information.
The Curriculum Vita
A CV is a more detailed listing of information used by applicants in select fields, such as the medical and education industries. The format of a CV is sometimes similar to that of a resume, but it is typically a straightforward listing of information. A CV includes information such as employment, education, and publications in a reverse-chronological order. It is often used by those seeking advanced positions in the medical and teaching professions. For example, someone applying for a university teaching position would list his or her education, classes taught, and any relevant publications. CVs can be much longer than a traditional resume.