Desks job
My civilization found his civilization and we started going to war against each other, as one might expect. I sat down for my turn and my coworker decided to head off to the bathroom. The phone rang, and I didn't pick up so that whoever was on the other end wouldn't hear the Civ theme music or the explosive sound of my Panzers running over his infantry. What I failed to remember is that our advanced phone system allows anyone to communicate with us on an open speaker phone provided we aren't on the phone already. My boss utilized this function since no one answered while I was taking my turn...o.k., actually while I was taking my turn and bragging out loud to myself about how well I was doing in the game. I found myself in his office that afternoon, but luckily I was only reprimanded and not fired. Not only did I get into trouble, my coworker continues to make jokes about it at my expense.
I hate my office phone. If you're familiar with the strategy PC gaming series "Civilization", you probably know that it's only slightly less addictive than crack. I've never tried crack, but the "word on the street", so to speak, is that it's a bit hard to let go of. I recently purchased Civilization 4, which is the latest in the Civilization series. That in itself isn't so interesting, but what happened to me at my job as a result of it most certainly is. I work as a network administrator for a large insurance company in Illinois.