Building graduate job
You can even make money by directing customers to the manufacturer’s site. This form of marketing which is known as affiliate marketing is especially popular on the web. It is a “no-risk” and no cost partnership and helps you make much needed dollars that you can then use to make your e-business grow.
If, however, you have slightly deep pockets you can start your own affiliate program. This means you encourage owners of other websites to route traffic to your website. In return, you pay them a small commission. You can even give them a percentage on sale of a product to encourage them more. As new affiliates join you and you train your existing affiliates your sales go up – and so too your profits.
Another indirect source of revenue that opens up for you is advertising. Once your website earns credibility and has a large target market, advertisers may like to buy space on your website. This is another useful source of revenue that you may reinvest in your core e-business which is selling products or services.