Residential home jobs


Notice I did not list objective statement. For the reason why, visit my section on common resume mistakes (

Proofread it, have your friends proofread it, and then do it two more times.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. I want to stress how important it is to do this. Check for spelling errors that the spell checker missed. Print it out and review it, because this seems to make you read over it more thoroughly. Watch out for poor grammar, punctuation errors, and redundancy.
  2. Always send it with a cover letter.

Posted by Someone on April

Electrican memphis tn jobs


Address the cover letter specifically to the company and job posting. Make a note of how you heard of the opening and why you are the best candidate. Hit the highlights of what you have to offer them so they are intrigued and interested in reading your resume. Figure out what you want to do.

You can't write an effective resume if you have no job target. What I mean by this is you need to tailor your resume to the specific job you want to apply to. Gone are the days of sending out 400 copies of the same resume.

Posted by Someone on April

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Make a list of the jobs you have held that have relevance to the new job target.

Posted by Someone on April