- Mail is the most traditional method. Once you've researched enough to know what companies you want to work for, and who makes hiring decisions there, you can mail a resume along with an excellent cover letter. Chances are though, that you'll have to follow up on your initial mail. Remember point #1 above - music production companies get loads of over the transom resumes.
- Email is a second option, and is a reasonable way to follow up as well. If you've sent your resume by mail, wait a few days and then follow up with an email to the hiring manager stating that you're following up on your mailed resume and are very interested in discussing possible career options within his or her company. If you haven't, send a cover letter and resume via email, and follow up in a few days with a second email.
- Telephone calls may be scary, but they are one of the quickest ways to get through to the person you want to speak with. Keep in mind that your phone call is an interruption to the hiring manager's day - be pleasant, be brief and be direct.