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I知 excited about the prospect of contributing to the great success the company has had and look forward to this opportunity. You will recall that my experience includes sales, marketing and business management. I知 sure my skills will translate well to the excellent environment at Xyz.

Again, I thank you for your time, for the confidence you致e placed in me, and for this wonderful opportunity to join the team.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Sincerely,
  2. John Doe.
  3. You値l notice that this sample letter is short and to the point. It thanks the person who did the hiring without being sloppy or overly sentimental. It also congratulates the hiring manager on making a wise decision and choosing the right person, but in a way that is matter of fact, and does not seem like bragging.

Posted by Someone on April

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It is always a good idea to keep your acceptance letter based on factual, short, precise, and a bit formal. You are in the early stages of the work relationship you are forming at this new company, and want to put your best foot forward. This letter will help you do that. You値l probably be excited and nervous after being accepted for the new position, and writing a sample letter before you are hired will allow you to do your writing with a clear mind, undistracted by concerns about what you will wear that day, or anything that came up in the conversation. Using a letter like this is an example of doing your homework and being a smart job seeker. In fact, you should also keep a sample cover letter, sample follow up letter, and a sample thank you letter for after the interview in your documents folder of your computer, ready to customize as the need arises.

Smart job seekers do everything they can to present themselves in the best possible light. That extra effort is what makes the difference between a low paying job with little satisfaction and a well paying start at a new career. Using samples of these documents you値l use in a job search just makes sense and will help you on your way to that satisfying new career.

A sample job acceptance letter should be kept on the computer of job seekers to be customized for a new situation and used when it is needed. A job seeker should also know how to use it, and when to use it. With that in mind, a sample letter follows.

Posted by Someone on April

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Name of Hiring Manager.

Posted by Someone on April