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There are quite a number of programs out there that train or claim to train business flight attendants. Some programs are excellent while others are awful. Caveat emptor -- let the buyer beware -- is the siren call for all of you seeking training. Do not be lulled by a low price as anyone can say they offer training, but will it get you work? Will it be recognized by the companies doing the hiring? Is the program accepted by the FAA? These are some of the things you need to uncover as you do your research.
While commercial carriers generally offer training that can last as long as six weeks, your training will be no longer than 5 or 6 days. That's it! However, those days will be jammed pack and should include the following: food handling and service; emergency training including inflight emergency, medical and defibrillator/AED training; extensive classroom time to include: decompression, hazardous materials, firefighting, passenger briefings, ditching, and more. Some programs include make-up consultations, food and wine pairing, résumé writing, and other topics. While each can be helpful consider how much of the program's schedule is geared toward core topics vs. peripheral issues.