Dutchess county postal jobs


Yes! That's exactly what I am saying, and for a very good reason... it's absolutely true! It's the dirty little secret that all the most successful candidates already know.

Now think about this: How can you possibly compete without doing the same thing yourself?

The answer is: you can't!

Posted by Someone on April

Military job decrpition


  1. If you are serious about landing the kind of opportunities you really deserve in today's competitive environment, then you have no option... you must take the initiative. It takes real nerve to write your own letter of recommendation for someone else to sign, but it's the way the real movers and shakers make things happen.
  2. All of us know one or two people who aren't particularly good at what they do, and yet they always seem to be the ones who get ahead in life. They advance, while everyone else has to sit and watch. It wouldn't be so infuriating if they were the most deserving - the most intelligent, the most skilled, or the most hard-working. But it never seems to work out that way.

Posted by Someone on April

Binghamton area job listings


The simple fact of the matter is that it takes two types of skills to get ahead in the world today: the ability to do a good job and - what is becoming increasingly important - the ability to land a good opportunity in the first place. Unfortunately for most of us, our teachers only taught us how to perform well; they didn't spend a whole lot of time showing us how to stake our claims - how to make sure we get the credit, rewards, and opportunities we deserve. That was supposed to be automatic. Well, it's not!

It's a jungle everywhere! Throughout your life, you can expect that you will be out there too - over and over again - fighting for your place in the world. It's not enough to be another good also-ran; successful candidates know they must stand out in a crowded field. They must get noticed before they can ever hope to get offers.

Posted by Someone on April

Magazine delivery job


That's why letters of recommendation are more important now in the job search process than ever before - often more important than your resume. If you've ever been involved in hiring, then you know it doesn't take long before all those resumes start sounding alike. Resume after resume - the whole pile starts to become a blur.

Posted by Someone on April