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More importantly...are you doing everything you can to promote them? How can you build a relationship with people who object to registering for your event based on your credibility? Here are a few suggestions on improving the way your prospects view your event.

The Power of Credibility.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. When your event is either completely new to the market or you are trying to reach out to a new audience, establishing up front credibility with your audience is important. Even if your event is well-established, re-enforcement of its credibility will help boost your attendance.
  2. Establish Who You Are. Create credibility by establishing a unique identity such as an "Institute" or "Center" along with a description of your mission. For example, the "Center for Personal Finance" or "The National Institute of (fill in the blank)."

Posted by Someone on April

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Use any industry or high-profile connections you may have to establish and promote an advisory board. Use "big name" speakers or co-chairs along with their photos on all of your promotional materials. Familiar names, recognizable faces, and official-sounding entities will go a long way to helping your attendees associate your event with greater credibility. You’re in Good Company.

Find yourself a reputable sponsor or co-sponsor and then shamelessly promote your partnership. If you have not yet established a reputation, "borrowing" someone else's can give you a tremendous attendance boost. You're smiling to yourself, but it's true! Think about what happens when Martha Stewart, or Warren Buffett endorses a product, service or company -- people recognize those names and associate them credibility (in certain industries, anyway).

Posted by Someone on April

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Prominently promoting individuals and/or companies that have participated in past events can also launch instant credibility.

Posted by Someone on April