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(1) that the insurance company can pay you in instalments, rather than a one-off lump-sum payment;

(2) that once you have been paid the whiplash compensation by the insurance company you cannot reopen the claim in the future to try and get some more money and agree to no longer hold the insurance company liable for any future cost or loss.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Limitation Period To Bring A Claim.
  2. If you have recently suffered a whiplash injury, then you have a period of 3 years from the date of the injury in which to bring proceedings to court. If you fail to bring your whiplash compensation claim to the courts within this time you will have forfeited your right to make a claim.

Posted by Someone on April

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Whiplash Injury Solicitor. Whether you have suffered a neck injury, back injury, or bruising, in order to know exactly what your rights are you should seek a consultation with a personal injury solicitor or lawyer as soon as you can following the accident and in any case before you agree to sign any settlement agreement with any insurance company as they are not obligated to tell you what your legal rights are but also what compensation you should be entitled to.

How much is the pain and discomfort of your whiplash injury worth? A fair question, after all a whiplash injury is painful – so you should be compensated accordingly. Unfortunately, however, the level of compensation you get for your injury following an accident will depend on a number of variable factors.

Posted by Someone on April

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The Whiplash Compensation Claim.

Posted by Someone on April