The maintenance of its car diminishes the fuel consumption in a 10%, in addition of which it will have a better yield. Review it every six months or every 10 thousand kilometers. Periodically maintain the air cleaner and change regularly. Watch the pressure of the tires, as well as the alignment and the balance. The short trips, mainly when the motor is cold, increase to the consumption of fuel and the contamination until in a 50%. Take off the car heavy objects that are not going to be used. By each 45 kilograms extra that it loads, the fuel consumption is increased in near 2%. In the city is preferable to use small cars, since they are economic, easy to manoeuvre and to park. When it handles in route, close the windows and use the inner ventilation, since to maintain them open it increases the air resistance on the vehicle and is greater fuel consumption. Do not abuse the air conditioned, as well as the heating. Not fill the tank until the top and verifies that or it is closed so that the fuel is not spilled or evaporates.
Add water distilled to the battery of your vehicle whenever it is necessary and if the battery requires it. Remember that the liquid need to surpass the level of the plates just a little, consider the measurement, since an excess also can be detrimental for your car.