Mep engineer jobs
SaaS models can easily reduce your projects costs by double-digit percentages. The key as you gain experience with SaaS is to refine your process in the same way a software development life-cycle will evolve. Additionally, leverage your SaaS provider’s experience and become partners in completing a successful project. The number of companies involved in SaaS deployments is doubling in the next 12 months; many of them have experienced pitfalls that could have been avoided with some minor research and planning up-front. While there is a diverse amount of technology and business processes that can be addressed using SaaS, there remains a handful of common tasks that need to be performed at the beginning of your project that will aid in tracking the project’s impact and progress.
Deployment Footprint. Create a UML Deployment diagram early. A Deployment Diagram helps everyone quickly identify what systems and users will be impacted by the change in technology and process. Having the Deployment Diagram exist as a living artifact throughout the lifetime of your project also helps other teams easily asses impact to any new or existing projects.