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Venue of the J.O.G.S. show.
Each J.O.G.S. show is held in the state of the art Tucson Expo Center, one of Tucson’s largest professional convention centers. The whole show takes place under one roof and on the same floor, ensuring that buyers visit every booth and no vendor gets left out. Great promotion, a complimentary lunch buffet for the buyers, top security and a red carpet atmosphere has been responsible for the success of the J.O.G.S. show.
J.O.G.S. Tucson Gem and Jewelry show is the largest and most popular independent jewelry trade shows in the Tucson, Arizona area. Wholesale manufacturers, miners and international dealers gather at the Tucson Expo Center, the site of the J.O.G.S. show, every winter. Buyer attendance at the J.O.G.S. show exceeds 27,000, composing over 4,000 jewelry firms. The majority of these are registered business owners representing the retail jewelry industry of the United States. The attendees of the J.O.G.S. show are owners of gift shops, private galleries, boutiques, department stores, and retail jewelry shops. The buyers are able to buy jewelry right on the floor as it is delivered; this makes J.O.G.S. a cash and carry show.