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Finally, the trainee must learn how to fit the patient with the right lens and frames, and do required adjustments for best vision and comfort.

Hearing Aid Dispensers

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Hearing dispensers test the degree and type of hearing loss, and help patients select the right hearing aid for them. The dispensers have to interpret the results provided by hearing assessment equipment, and to be familiar with hearing aid electronics and specifications. They will also have to carry out required modifications and programming to fit the aid to the hearing loss.
  2. Hearing aid dispensers have to get trained under a licensed hearing aid dispenser, and can then sit for competency assessment examinations. As we can see above, all kinds of dispenser jobs require specialized training and internship.
  3. Dispenser jobs involve correctly dispensing medication and medical products. In addition to medicine dispensers, specialist dispensers dispense hearing aids, ophthalmic items and so on. Different kinds of training are needed for different kinds of dispensers. NVQ 2 vocational qualification is a typical requirement for pharmaceutical dispensers, for example.

Posted by Someone on April

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Pharmacy Dispensers

Pharmacy dispensers dispense both over-the-counter and prescription medicines. Because wrong medicines or wrong dosages can have serious consequences, these dispensers have to undergo vocational training in relevant pharmacy topics. In addition to dispensing medicines, pharmacy dispensers would typically have to:

  • Advise customers on symptoms and products

Posted by Someone on April

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  • Assemble prescribed items, appropriate containers and labels on receipt of a prescription
  • Receive and store pharmaceutical products
  • Mix medical preparations
  • Posted by Someone on April