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Internet meetings are often hosted by Internet service providers. For a flat fee, you can log in via the web and set up a virtual meeting with participants in the USA, Europe, the Far East and Australia. Even scientists at the South Pole can join in via satellite technology. Once you have scheduled the meeting, your meeting attendees can log in via the web at no additional cost.
Internet meetings make you more productive and can reduce your travel costs and increase your productivity. Internet meetings are a way to meet with one person, ten people or a thousand people virtually. You can collaborate and work without the time and expense of travel or locating physical conference rooms. The world today is a global village. It is no longer necessary, or sometimes even possible, for all the employees of any organization to come together. Equally though people need to share ideas and information more than ever. Business associates or even family and friends may be located anywhere, but our need to stay connected grows daily. We may need to talk, share pictures and programs, work together or collaborate on many projects.