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Employee Performance and Regular Evaluation. Conduct regular evaluation system to monitor your employees' performance. Reward good employees to encourage them to perform better. Encourage slackers with training and an assurance that the company, and you, as their employer, would help them in coping with their workload. Present your employees with a definite career growth plan such as promotions for top performing employees. Their enthusiasm for work would be revived if they know that they can move up the corporate ladder.
According to Javitch, these motivation methods will serve to aid you and your employees in the evaluation of their present company roles. He stressed that these are key improvements to an efficient employee management program. These methods would increase motivation, satisfaction, and most of all, productivity in your employees. Implement these and you would be saved from mediocre performances and work disruptions. Employees who are motivated are the assets, even secret to the success of successful companies. However, these employees aren't robot nor machines. They can feel pressure, be overwhelmed, or even worse, be burned-out. Recognizing and preventing symptoms of burn-out will save your company and your employees from self-destruction. Organizational psychologist David Javitch, PhD, names the most common signs of burn-out. According to him, the most telltale signs of burn-out include a decline in productivity. It is most noticeable when a highly productive employee starts turning in mediocre work. Lateness, leaving on the dot, leaving work early, prolonged breaks, and increasing absences are the most common actions of burned-out employees. He also named the simplest means to prevent it such as employee scheduling, employee training, employee rights, employee performance, employee time, employee incentives, and regular evaluation.