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With the offshore banking, it is easy to set up asset protection and bank secrecy. Bank secrecy also prevents its own employees, director or officer to divulge any personal information or files, bank statements connected to any bank account holder. With Panama offshore bank there are strong secrecy laws that allows the victim to file a lawsuit if any kind of misuse of subject of use is done by violating terms and conditions against not only the persons responsible for the privacy violation but it is also done with the employees of the bank or the bank itself if they are part of the violation. With strong terms and conditions of Panama bank it is hard to release any information or leak of personal information is hard to take place.
Panama bank secrecy law releases the secrecy of records in some case where the victim cannot file a law suit and that is within the criminal interventions of the victim themselves than in USA, EU most private detectives have no trouble tracing any record from the bank, without the information to the bank employees, and in that case, the detectives are not in trouble or have never been heard of getting persecuted.