Correctional officer jobs opening
Finding a flight attendant job opening is no different than finding a job opening in any other industry. It takes diligence, persistence, luck and some insider knowledge. You'll find listings for job openings for flight attendants in your local newspaper, on the job boards like Monster, and by applying directly to the airlines. Once you've found a flight attendant job opening, you can apply online at the airline's web site, or send a resume by mail or over the telephone. If you've done a good job of presenting yourself in your cover letter and resume, you may receive an invitation to an interview, or other instructions on your next step.
Preparing yourself for your interview is just as important when the interview is a 'cattle call' - industry slang for open houses where recruiters prescreen applicants for a flight attendant job opening - as it is for a face to face interview. Impeccable personal grooming is important in any job interview, but it's vital when you're applying for a flight attendant job opening. Trim and manicure your nails, be certain that your hair coloring is not in need of touching up - be certain that every detail of your appearance is just right. After all, your competition will be dong the same thing. When I was growing up, they were stewardesses, and they had a party hearty reputation that stuck despite all the hard work they did. Today, the word 'stewardess' is out of fashion, and flight attendants are respected professionals in the aviation industry. While many in the general public see flight attendants as glorified airborne waitresses, the cabin crews and regular passengers know better. The flight attendant is the face of the airline, and her - or his, since many flight attendants today are male - primary job is making sure that all the passengers have a safe flight.