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4. Buy a Foreclosure
Evictions are often accompanied by foreclosures. A foreclosure occurs when the owner of a property is unable to meet the monthly payments required by the mortgage agreement. In such a case, the bank servicing loan will have to repossess the house. This process is often thought of as a foreclosure. For those looking to make a purchase in the real estate market, buying a foreclosure presents a great opportunity to get a good property that is relatively inexpensive. Frequently, those who buy foreclosures do so a below market prices since the bank is primarily concerned with liquidating the asset (the house) and covering the liability. Buyers of foreclosures should be forewarned that these properties might include additional expenditures to repair the house. Not surprisingly owners who cannot afford their own homes often leave their house in disarray upon moving out of being evicted. Typically such house can fixed up rather quickly and reintroduced to the market as a rent to own dwelling.