Pittsburgh job boards
Excerpt from The Millionaire Master Plan:
Professionals Get Paid, Amateurs Don’t.
Excerpt from The Millionaire Master Plan:
Professionals Get Paid, Amateurs Don’t.
So pay please pay attention. No one in our industry is compensated to visit with upline leaders. No one is paid to attend mixers, watch television, visit with cross-line distributors or business associates, surf the web, play video games, or walk their dogs. None of us receives any pay for those amateur activities. Professionals engage in two things for a couple of hours each day and during those two hours, they cover as much territory as possible. Professional networkers spend two hours a day selling and recruiting, face-to-face or phone-to-phone. In one of the 24 High Road to Success Modules, we cover shotgun-recruiting strategies that really work. But for now, suffice to say, be a professional two hours a day. Dare to ask new prospects to purchase your products or sign up as business associates.
Is there a blueprint for success? Do the people who achieve great level of success follow a very defined and specific path to attain their accomplishments? If so, the why is it so hard for others to duplicate it? These questions and more are answered in The Millionaire Master Plan – A 6-step blueprint for achieving success in any profession.
Excerpt from The Millionaire Master Plan:
Professionals Get Paid, Amateurs Don’t.