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But really, how much sense does it make to have assumptions about someone you've never spoken with, much less had a conversation with? How much can you possibly know about their problems, issues, needs, time frame, budget, decision making process, or other key information?

Can you imagine how it feels to the person on the other end of the phone when you presume to know what’s "best" for them? They don’t know you, and they don’t trust you.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. So people naturally move into a defensive place.

  2. So it’s best to move away from making any assumptions when you make your cold calls.

    Approach your prospects from a modest, humble position. Avoid coming to the conversation already convinced in your own mind that they should be a fit. This way, you'll eliminate sales pressure, which triggers that defensive reaction.

Posted by Someone on April

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Completely eliminating assumptions and high enthusiasm in your cold calling will help people relate to you as a real person instead of a negative-type "pushy" salesperson. And you’ll find that they’ll usually respond much more warmly and naturally.

Before you make a cold call, do you "gear up" first? Do you get excited about your product or service, and try to anticipate making the sale?

Well, if you’re following the old traditional cold calling mindset, that’s probably what you’ve been trained to do. But what you don’t know is that enthusiasm and confidence usually backfire on you.

Posted by Someone on April

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Why? Because you’re talking with someone who doesn’t know you. Think about how you’d feel if someone you don’t know approaches you with a lot of zest and enthusiasm.

You’ll probably take a step back. You’re a little suspicious and somewhat on the defensive in the face of all that enthusiasm.

Posted by Someone on April