Job fair in ok
4. With gas prices sky-rocketing, should you consider buying a hybrid car, or at least one that gets better mileage? Do it now, while you’re still employed. See if the dealership offers any customer incentives such as a rebate or lowered interest rate on the loan.
5. Do you know what benefits at work you are entitled to? Take the time now to ask the Human Resources department what benefits you’re currently enrolled in. If you have health insurance, be sure to get any physicals or medical tests now to make use of this benefit. Take advantage of any dental or vision coverage you may have- get those eyeglasses or contact lenses updated now or schedule a visit for a check-up at the dentist. Those co-pays are a whole lot cheaper than paying full-price later.
Being aware of the situation, planning and taking action makes you feel more in control of your life. Sure, you can’t do anything about being laid-off and in most cases, (unless you committed gross misconduct on the job) it’s not your fault. It’s a management decision that will probably wind up changing your life for the better. See this as a new opportunity, not as a loss, and your positive attitude will help you find a new job soon. Good luck!