Nhs job vacancy
O is for Obstacles. You must do whatever it takes to get your goal accomplished. If you have to jump over, go under, go through, go around, climb over, or blast though your obstacle or obstacles, and no matter how many times you�ve accomplished a goal you will always be faced with obstacles, if you can do this than you are an unstoppable force. TEGATO, a very strange word, but a strange word that will help you succeed in what you want and what you want to achieve or desire. Yes, it�s a new technology. If you are of average intelligence and have average memory remembering the technology is easy. T E G A T O.
T is for Thinking. Before you start any project, or any thing you want to accomplish, you have to think about it, but what I�m asking is to think from it, and do the equation backwards, of how you are going to accomplish your desire.