Say you own a hardware store and a customer walks in looking for a particular item that you do not carry. After telling the customer that you don’t have it on stock, the next most likely question is if you know any store that carries it. A “no” answer may not hurt your business; but if you know or have a suggestion (which is about equivalent to a “yes” answer), it can help your business. How is this so? Because you took the time to help the customer possibly locate the item he is looking for, he becomes appreciative of your gesture. The next time he needs something from a hardware store, you will be the first one on his mind. It would also help to consider having an inventory of the items that customers are often looking for.
Remember, little details can perk up a business to succeed. Alternatively, their absence can break the business instead.
Several reasons can make a business. Some of these reasons may be subtle and superficial; but in spite of their seemingly harmless effects, they can make your business prosper even without spending a single cent.