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His Passion is for the human spirit.

Often, that which appears as a passion, at first, is just the vehicle for the real deep down passion that lights you up.

Florence Nightingale is known for her nursing in the Crimean War. And most people know that Nursing was her passion. But it wasn’t.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Believe it or not Florence Nightingale’s passion was……statistics. Yes good old fashioned Statistics. She was so good at it, in1858 she was the first female elected member of the Statistical Society of the UK and an honorary member of the American Statistical Association.
  2. When you think about it you can see the connection. Because she was passionate about Statistics she was able to see and prove that disease was killing more troops than battle and then do something about it.
  3. What about you? What is the deep down passion that lights your life up. What is it that you love doing and being beyond all else.

Posted by Someone on April

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Michael Jordan’s passion is basketball. But most are unaware that his passion was such that he had written into his contract that he could play “pickup” games whenever he wanted. (For us non Americans this is playing with whoever is available on public sites) He just wanted to play basketball whenever he felt like it. There is no doubt that it was his passion that made him so brilliant, so extraordinary.

Go on….. you can tell yourself. There is no need to tell others. Just have a go and tell yourself.

Posted by Someone on April

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What is that love that stirs you up - that love that others may not be interested in but is so important to you. What is it that makes you forget time? What is it that you love doing?

We all have it. We all have at least one thing that we are passionate about.

Posted by Someone on April