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EBay business.

You were wondering when I was going to get around to this, weren’t you? Online auctions have made it possible for thousands of people to earn a full time living on the Internet.

If you make your own product (whether a physical product or a digital one), you would be smart to do eBay at least part time. EBay is the second busiest site on the web. It would be wise of you to take advantage of their traffic to increase exposure to your business! You can do eBay exclusively or combine it with your other business idea to increase your earnings and exposure.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Internet Talk Radio/Podcasting.
  2. This is a relatively new concept- Internet talk radio available on demand 24/7 by anyone who has a computer! It sounds complicated but really isn’t. Publishing audio on your website is as easy as signing up for an Audio Acrobat account, lifting your phone and dialing a number, and talking! Imagine getting paid to talk about your favorite topics!
  3. As I’m writing this, there is Healthy Family Talk Radio, Natural Moms Talk Radio, Homeschooling Talk Radio, Baby Talk Radio, Army Wife Talk Radio, Work at Home Mom Talk Radio… and there is plenty of room for more shows.

Posted by Someone on April

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How do you make money?

You earn money from advertising, as well as from affiliate sales. For instance, let’s say you interview a popular author on your show. You put a link to their products on Amazon.com on your site. People listen to the show and want to learn more, so they buy the book and you get a commission. You can also sell advertising space on your show’s site, as well as on air ad spots. You can even monetize the site with Google AdSense if you like.

Posted by Someone on April

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As you can see, there are many ways you can earn income on the Internet. Pick a business model that suits you and get started!

There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and there’s more than one way to make money online. In fact, there are tons of ways! I’ll list a few here.

Posted by Someone on April