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When you actually contact a notary and schedule an appointment, accurately describe the exact nature of what it is that you need done and where you are located and expect to meet, so they completely understand the task at hand and price it accordingly. Also make sure you completely understand the services to be provided and the fees for such services.
loan signings and fingerprinting services at times and places other than during standard business hours or at routine locations (banks, title, attorney escrow and real estate offices) because many people can't afford the luxury of travel to a Notary Public�s office due to scheduling conflicts, disabilities, child care, working hours, or transportation problems.
Mobile notary publics provide a broad range of services such as loan document signings, administering traffic school test, witness deeds of trust, and notarize immigration papers, that oaths, provide expert witness service in court, fingerprinting, and seal other official documents from the privacy of your own home or office.