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How to discover those great dropship merchants that will help you to run your stock properly updated? Firstly you need prescreened merchants (it is no secret that there is so much scam in this industry). This is why I recommend investing some money into dropship directories that do the work for you:

OneSource - dropship directory. FREE preview & video.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Doba - 250,000 products to sell. FREE 7-day trial.
  2. SaleHoo - over 150 product categories. FREE tour & member forum. Real dropshippers REVEALED

Posted by Someone on April

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Over 700,000 Products to choose from. FREE trial. See the detailed real dropshippers directories compared here.

Summary: fulfillment in dropshipping is as important as promotion, product selection and prices. In my opinion you should run your dropship business relying on the available product stock as a starting point. Once you are certain you have designed a system and relations to keep all offers on your website current you should move to the promotion and discussing the prices with the merchant.

Posted by Someone on April

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It is a great temptation to display on your website a wide selection of products as it increases your chances to sell more products. But it can result in your customer’s complete dissatisfaction once you fail to fulfill most of approved orders.

As I know from my experience it happens quite regularly – a buyer places an order for 3-5 items, you check that with the merchant and discover that they have just 1-2 available form the entire order. You contact your buyer, apologize and say that you can fulfill just a part of his order offering him to choose replacement products or a partial refund.

Posted by Someone on April