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b) have to sit back helplessly and rely on these referrals to make it happen on their own.

In either scenario, you have little control. Your breaking even depends entirely on whether or not 39 other human beings are willing to spend $295 within your downline structure.

And this gets better. Most matrix programs will only pay commissions on a full level. So if you only have 26 people on your third level instead of the required 27, you don’t get a dime.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. But not to worry. The program owners still get paid.
  2. In fact that’s what this whole thing is about in the first place. The people that devise these repugnant matrix structures know full well the majority of their members will fail to recruit the number of people required to achieve payout.
  3. So what we have is hundreds, maybe thousands of people investing their money and time into a losing situation. A few participants might profit, but most will not. The founders of the program, of course, stand to make millions from this structure.

Posted by Someone on April

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Opinions vary, but I don’t see any reason to work my butt off for nothing. Especially if my efforts are paying huge dividends to someone else. One of the most commonly used buzz terms in the home business niche is ‘matrix plan’. It has a nice ring to it I’ll admit.

Promoters often use this phrase to suggest a stable, well formulated income stream. But in reality this type of opportunity scam is anything but lucrative for the majority of participants.

Posted by Someone on April

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Before I continue, I want to point out that almost all matrix programs fall under the FTC’s classification of pyramid schemes and ponzi scams. They’re illegal systems that allow a few con artists to fleece the gullible masses.

Posted by Someone on April