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If you are an entry-level teacher just out of school or a teacher with limited work experience, you should detail any practicums, student teaching, student aid work, volunteering, tutoring, mentorships, or other unpaid work you were involved in during your schooling.

Demonstrate You're a Top Performer.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Employers love to hire the cream of the crop, and educators are no exceptions. School administrators will be looking for teachers who are willing to contribute to the betterment of the school outside of just their day-to-day teaching responsibilities. In fact, many experienced teachers would argue that a significant part of the teaching career was went doing things outside of the classroom. Therefore, it is imperative that you demonstrate that you are a top performer.
  2. Your resume will be more memorable and better received if you can detail specific contributions you made to each of your previous employers. What have you done that was above and beyond your basic responsibilities? How have you helped make a positive impact on your students and their families, your fellow co-workers, your school or school system, or even your community? Consider your possible involvement in:

Posted by Someone on April

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--Committees or review boards. --After school programs including school sports, academic teams, or clubs.


Posted by Someone on April

Job search discouraged


--Community education drives.

Posted by Someone on April