New job occupations
1. Welcome all of your customers as though you know them and introduce yourself. Remember their names and welcome them, using their names, the next time they visit. (Keep a legal pad if you need too, “gray beard, thick glasses, name George, drinks Bud”…and any quirks you can note that will help you recall. Failing that just say “Hey good to see you again!” Just think of it like if you were having a party in your own home.. It’s easy!
2. Always keep in mind what their drink of choice is and be prepared to offer them their preference. You should already know the names and preferences of your regulars.
3. If a customer comes accompanied by a date or companion, treat them both as if they are royalty, address the customer as in “Wonderful to see you again, Mr. or Ms so and so (if they are a regular). And what can I do especially for your guest?” Be sure to use the finest glass for their friend. If you treat them with that sort of respect, you cannot only expect a nice tip, but you can bet that they will be back over and over, and looking for you.