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With an excellent team of experienced data entry experts, Data Entry Outsourcing has successfully assisted a large number of clients in their Numeric Data Entry projects. Allowing Data Entry Outsourcing to manage your Numeric Data Entry tasks provides you excellent flexibility and power to react to original and existing business opportunities.
The most direct method of gathering data is the use of the 'input' element. A powerful feature of this element is that you can specify a format mask with the 'format' attribute. The input mask allows you to tell the browser the characters, which are acceptable for entry in the input field. For example the entry field can be formatted to accept a defined number of characters or can be limited to believe only alpha or numeric characters.
By combine proved operating methods and mistake-proof Quality Control systems with advanced technology, we deliver excellent services for your Numeric Data Entry needs. If you have to enter list of numbers a spreadsheet or other application, read them into you computers microphone and record them. Then play the recording back as you type.