General counsel job georgia
So isn't it just a personality thing? Well yes and no. Personality certainly goes a long way in carrying a conversation and presenting yourself in a good light, but very few people have this endearing personality. There are a lot more people who land jobs than people with gregarious personalities--and that is because they now how to interview. Yes, interviewing skills can definitely be and should be learned. So how do people learn?
Well a lot of people have learned interviewing skills through trial and error. The more you do something the better you get at it (usually!). But who wants to learn like this...I mean there are few things that are more painful than getting a rejection letter. Also how fun are interviews in general? Basically most people want to avoid them entirely! Then, wouldn't it be great if you could learn what makes a successful interview from the eyes of the potential employer? Wouldn't it be nice to go into an interview with the mindset that you are evaluating them and not the other way around?
Another important thing to remember is that this goes much deeper than learning interviewing skills or tricks. In fact the training that makes you good at interviewing, makes you successful in life. Communication for instance is a fundamental part of success whether it be social confidence, or ability to manage, or network...and on and on.