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EMR Security

Securing patient medical records is another big reason doctors are slow to convert to paperless medical offices. Many EMRs currently available utilize “client/server” technology…meaning that software is permanently installed on a server located in the doctor’s office and accessed through the network. This type of software clearly places the responsibility of backups and patient records security on the medical office. Web-based EMRs shift that responsibility away from the doctor and onto the software company who. are better equipped to secure electronic patient records. Though vigilant hackers can break into just about any system, web-based EMRs reduce that risk significantly.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. EMR Standardization
  2. Perhaps the biggest complication to widespread use of electronic medical records is the lack of standardization. One of the catalysts to the creation of EMRs is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Commonly known as HIPAA, this law promulgated the creation of electronic patient records, but failed to implement standards for them. To be fair, technology has changed quite a bit since 1996 and Congress doesn’t own a crystal ball. Even Yahoo’s website looked quite a bit different ten years ago.
  3. There is no real explanation why the components of modern electronic medical records haven’t been standardized. In fact, the name hasn’t even been settled on!

Posted by Someone on April

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Electronic medical records have many AKA’s including:

PMRI - Patient Medical Record Information - US

ICRS – Integrated Care Record Services - UK

Posted by Someone on April

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CMR – Computerized Medical Record – US, International.

CPR – Computer-based Patient Record - US, International.

PCR – Patient-carried Patient Record - Germany.

Posted by Someone on April