Jobs in computer engineering
If you offer more specialized services than administrative support, you have different chances for sustaining an ongoing career. Here are two examples:
If you offer Public Relations (PR)services, your occupational outlook is rosy. With so many different types of organizations -- such as businesses, nonprofits, universities, hospitals and more - looking for media specialists and PR specialists to do more than just "tell their story." Creativity, initiative, good judgment and the ability to communicate effectively are some of the skills necessary to succeed in this job. There's lots of competition in this role, but employment/contracts for PR specialists is expected to grow faster than average, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
If you offer Desktop Publishing services, your occupational outlook is also great. Many companies are beginning to outsource these services, as opposed to having in-house staff. With experience and/or a degree in graphic design or a related field, desktop publishers have a variety of different organizations to market themselves to. VAs offer an affordable alternative to hiring a graphic design firm.