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The flowering of virtues in consciousness allows the embodiment of wisdom through experience.

VISION - See clearly that you are more than you are. Envision your greatest dream and then live your life to make your dream real.

PASSION - Feel your dream so strongly that you know you can overcome any resistance, obstacles and challenges that stand in your way.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. TRUST - Know that step-by-step, little-by-little the causes you make every day will create the future you want for yourself. Know that you don't always know how things will unfold and trust in the mystery.
  2. COURAGE - Transform fear into creativity. Celebrate the risk by letting the vision, passion and trust move you into action that will create your dream. Have the courage to be yourself.
  3. COMMITMENT - When you say, YES, I will do this and commit yourself 100% to your course of study, the universe moves to support you. You transform the energies within and without you to creative your vision.

Posted by Someone on April

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PERSEVERENCE - Day by day, keep going, no matter what the ups and downs and changes. Make time. Ask for what you need. Don't give up, put off studies till some perfect time happens, or make excuses.

COMMUNICATION - Share yourself with words and feelings, taking the time to build a relationship with teachers and your clients. Speak your truth, ask for what you need as well as offer gratitude and appreciation. Your voice carries the vibration of your being and sends it into the universe.

Posted by Someone on April

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COMPASSION - Understand that no one is perfect, not you, not your family and friends, not your teacher, your fellow students or your clients. From this understanding release the need to judge, blame, manipulate, compete, sympathize or resist. With appreciation, take what is offered from all relationships and transform everything into love.

CONFIDENCE - Know you will succeed. Work with what you know, from your experience, your love, your knowledge, and your instinct. Know that you serve the world and life in all forms and that your work is to live love.

Posted by Someone on April