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And yes, if you have equity, you should expect to have to do this. But�what about the rest of us poor folks who don't have any assets, no savings to speak of, and can't get a signature loan? Are we doomed to a life of wage slavery? No. We just have to start out small, so small that our new business wouldn't even show up in the radar of what most people call a small business. What we're talking about here is a �micro business��one that can be started with very little or no up-front capital.
Traditional business wisdom calls for a business plan that details your spending for the first year, and where that money will come from. Your original goal may have been to open up a small shop in the mall�but rents in most malls even for a small shop often go for thousands of dollars a month. A �bootstrap� retail business is one that is starting with either no, or very little funding, so that space in the mall is out of the question.