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De Hui Tsui. Goangdong –China”

Strategic Immigration Services has developed this software (E-book style), to help prospective immigrants to Canada. SIS makes a point of providing high quality professional services based on experience, competence, and strict ethical standards.

Posted by Someone on April

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  1. Your ability to meet the Canadian immigration criteria depends, of course, on your personal and professional background. By the same token, it also depends on the way you will answer the Canadian Immigration officer's questions so that you manage to provide him/her, in less then 30 minutes time, the selected information that best underscores your merits, while avoiding unnecessary exhibit of your weak points.
  2. ‘In performing their assessment, the immigration officers have a duty to fairly treat each candidate’, said a spokesperson of SIS. However, they do not have a duty to protect your interests in particular. Given that the number of people who apply each year for immigration to Canada is considerably higher than the annual level established by the government of Canada, the immigration officers are rather expected to act selectively, in order to choose those who they consider to be the best.

Posted by Someone on April

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‘It is our role, through information, guidance and valuable advice provided with this software to protect and promote your interests, and to make sure that you are effectively considered one of the best and that you are granted the permanent resident status at the end of the immigration process,’ says SIS. ‘Trying to do it all yourself can be frustrating ...

... and can take you a lot of time. Even after you may think you did it all right, there may be missing information that can delay your application or worst, reject it . Our interactive software (E-Book style) can save you from all the problems associated with the "do it yourself" process.‘

Posted by Someone on April

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‘It does not have to be this way’.

Posted by Someone on April