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3. Ask others.

It’s actually quite difficult to see yourself as others do. It would be to your advantage to ask friends and family on your traits and skills. Your co-workers are also a good source of information. Knowing how they perceive you, what they like and don’t like about you and what skills or traits need to be changed can be helpful in determining your professional profile.

Posted by Someone on April

Sport related jobs


  1. 4. What moves you?
  2. Would you be more interested in status or a six figure salary? Do you want to make a difference in your community and the world or just on your company’s net worth? 5. Take charge.

Posted by Someone on April

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In the ‘80s, when you worked for a large company, you usually could conclude that you would be working there for your entire career. In those days, the corporation drove your career path, advancing as it saw fit. At the turn of the century, times have changed. In the span of your career, you would probably work for at least five companies. In most cases, you will probably work for more than five. Know which career track you desire, and make sure that track brings you to where you wish to go.

6. Determine the company fit.

Posted by Someone on April

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With the current emphasis on streamlined and productivity-focused companies, the cultural and company fit are just as important as the professional goals. Consider the values and principles of the company and compare them with your own. It is important that you feel comfortable and fit in with company.

Posted by Someone on April